but now i'm told that this is life, and pain is just a simple compromise.
Thursday 16 September 2010
                                  would some one care to classify, a broken heart and twisted minds.

if i'm being entirely honest, since like may - my birthday, this year has been going downnnn hill for me. sososo bad. icba to go into it anymore. 
anywho. LOLOL, saturday's gunnu be funfunfun... notice my sarcasm there? ;) well... my friends are basically trying to set me up with these random dudes, tbh. i'm not even looking for anyone, if i was i would say. i just hate it when people try to set me up with people, it makes me look like i'm desperate ¬___¬' i'm honestly serious, i like being on my own. don't get me wrong, i love having a boyfriend at the time, its just, the breaking up process. 

nothing lasts forever.

okay. i'm scaring myself. i think i'm going all depressive. THANKS 2010. YOU BASTARD!

chloe xo

@ 10:26